7.477. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

I think I am starting to settle into this Rome thing.

It has taken several days to really feel at peace and at home here, but halfway through the journey I think the Lady Talis and I are starting to get it. I am starting to sink in and develop an understanding of place and people if not language. That part may come over time, but not in the next few weeks, I gather. What I find to be most telling is that we have not met people–other couples or otherwise–and settled in with them. This may not be a thing that comes as naturally to us anymore as I had previously hoped. However, we’ve learned the places to go, how to get around, how we enjoy spending our time, and how much money all of this takes to accomplish.

The money issue is a big one, because we did this on the relative cheap and I continue to effort to pay down debt. Still struggling through that one.