
Rome has its ups and downs. One significant down is that I have yet to get to the writing. I have a side project and the main novel that needs to get knocked out before the edits for the other novel come back and demand my attention. I haven’t been doing so good with the keeping up. I attribute some of it to travel and the rest to culture. There is not a space here where I can set up and write for an hour or more. Heck, I haven’t even found a reliable place for coffee or gelato. Still the hunt continues. There is so much beauty just walking down the block that we have yet to discover or explore. It is a good thing we have so much time, because we can do such things at our own pace, and that pace appears to be late afternoon and beyond, given the heat and humidity.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The new Starfield update introduced player-made items and missions, which seems like a wonderful plan. They set the groundwork by introducing a short adventure they made themselves, and several items. Then they offered a second adventure, but locked it behind a paywall. Same with most of the items. There are even ‘cheats’ which are allowed but are pay to play. Quickly it became minecraft with the access being based on how many tokens you were willing to pay.
  2. Feels good to get away from the election-rich bipolar chaos of an American news cycle. Makes me feel grounded, which is exactly what the new back home seeks to prevent.