
I’m watching my kid lose his one chance to be successful in sports. At first I thought it was about glitz and connections and him not getting the shine because he and I don’t have the connections, but it isn’t that. It is purely about him being a 15 yr old kid who hasn’t learned quite yet that he has to go out and get what he wants, because it is not going to be handed to him. This comes as a result of a few different moments this week. It started when he went to a D2 college camp and was outplayed and outworked by the hungrier guys out there. Despite the small camp size he only earned 4 reps. He needs to be more vocal and forceful out there. He also needs work in the weight room to really look the part. That camp ended with a lot of excuses on his part. Given the chance today to get practice in, he skipped. In other words, he let himself down again and further jeopardized his chance to play football at the Varsity level this season.

Coaches only put in guys they trust. I don’t even trust him right now, so I doubt the coaches trust him. He just isn’t there. The boy has all the physical assets he needs to be successful. I am just hoping the mental shows in the next few weeks because he is legitimately running out of time to be successful. Unfortunately, I fear he hasn’t gotten there yet. I fear that being placed on the JV roster will turn him into a kid that gives up on his dream, because he wasn’t handed it easily. He needs to build some fight. He needs to build that mental toughness that he just hasn’t come around to having off the field. Put him in a game, he’s fine. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. You gotta earn that spot and he hasn’t recognized what is needed from a mental standpoint to do that. Again, he’s 15, so he has time. But he doesn’t have that much.

Some Thoughts:

  1. While not a sports day, this was a sports post. So be it.
  2. I am debating working the gym back into my life come this July. I need to build up to it and make it a regular part of my day. I plan to start with morning and evening pushups, getting back to the daily Yoga flow, and trying out some basic core stuff. That should cover a daily routine. The weights would be a two to three times a week add in designed to really get me right come July. I need it. I’m too old to let this weight stand.
  3. Also, I feel better when I am in better shape–both physically and mentally. I need that more than anything.

7.453. Reflections on a Saturday Afternoon

The people in my home are clinically bored. I’m one of them, though my boredom comes as a relief from a very busy week. I spent most of the day playing video games I’ve played hundreds of times. Still had great fun doing it. Tomorrow is Sunday and the start of the workweek, so back to the grind it is. Work on developing some role play content, work on the novel, work on some other role play content, work on classes, set up a real writing schedule for the summer. This is the way.

Some Thoughts:

  1. It is real tough when your kid petitions to drop your last name. That’s what is happening to Brad Pitt. So… he’s the bad guy I guess? I cannot understand why I find it hard to believe fully… or why I care.
  2. No longer attending GenCon this year. Next time….