4.402. Wealth, Poverty, and the smallest margin

Lately I have been spending more money than I make–more money than I should spend. Part of the issue is supporting two homes (as we transition from one to the other). The rest of the issue is entirely about building out this new home and making it a place I am happy to inhabit each day. It is working. I am happy every time I look at the place. At the same time, I am concerned that I have repeatedly gone the route of ‘pay for the best’ instead of finding alternatives to make it beautiful on the cheap. Don’t get me wrong. There is plenty of that as well, but facts being what they are, I bought stuff. I bought nice stuff. It costs money.

Normally this is not a blog about money, and tonight is only a slight deviation. This is a blog about understanding the things that make you happy and understanding the things that steal moments from that happiness. I am happy in a nice space, but I am unhappy when I (or my partner) am stressed about money. I am edging towards that difficult void of spending concerns, and I can only stay back from the void by slowing down. For example, I bought the mid kid a bed frame on offer up and he’s going to use a mattress from a bed we already have–a rollout bed for guests that can be fitted with an older mattress.

This dropped the cost of remaining ‘stuff to buy’ down to roughly 1500. Once I get through that glut of spending, I will be done! I think. I didn’t calculate in the moving truck, so there’s that.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Enjoying a change of pace in the lifestyle, but with all change it takes time for things to take. So, I didn’t get a lot of writing done today. This feels like it does when I end any project. I go dormant like a bear in winter.
  2. Interesting thought: Aren’t we ‘hibernating’ in a way? Going Covid dormant as a society?
  3. The truth is, I need to be writing two or three stories at a time to be able to switch over to another as the difficult one hits a wall. I have no others on the table, so I will be putting two there.

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