4.401. Logic

I am an observer of technology. I call myself a futurist but it is likely disrespectful to futurists to consider myself as such. In short, I don’t work had enough to be a futurist (this is a likely side effect of trying to be and do everything in the universe at once… the Jack of all trades phenomenon).

Even as I type this on an outdated and, frankly, worn out macbook I still feel I have something to add to the conversation. I want to talk for a moment about the idea of Logic in building advanced algorithms, or Semi-autonomous shells. I believe the secret to advanced gaming is to move to that space. We need algorithms that are designed well enough to be competitive in a way that is not cheating, i.e. knowing what choices we made, but predicting what choices we could make based on tendency. This would make us as gamers more self-aware of tendency and improve overall gameplay. That is all.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Coconut oil is the best moisturizer I’ve used yet. Take it from a man with perennially dry skin. Try that stuff.
  2. Video game rage is a terrible phenomenon that has become so mainstream in my household that I am considering shutting down gaming for a full day at first rage. I get passion. Be passionate. Stop yelling at a screen. Who are you really yelling at when you do that?

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