4.400. On Good Living

My partner (how much longer till I can just say wife?) has a theory that I get strung out when left alone with my boys for any extended length of time. She thinks, with valid evidence, that I stay up late, wake up early, and spend the hours in between partying like a teenager. There is truth in this. When off with the boys less work gets done, more games get played, and there is very little by way of balance achieved. I expect joint living will return the feminine energy to the fold, thereby creating the balance needed to not go so far off in the one direction.

I lack the necessary filter to do tis on my own. This is a proven fact. Evidence? Well, it is almost midnight and I am finally hitting the blog. There’s that.

Some weeks are better than others. It is worst when I go long stretches without spending time with them or seeing them only to get the full force of ‘missed you’ need. I love it. I am not angered by the energy. I am also not able to handle the direct blast in a sustainable way.

So, yeah. I’m really worn out and I need to go to bed. Tomorrow promises to be a long day of a different sort.

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