4.399. Freewrite Friday

The word of the day is Midriff

He thinks about Sydney Bristow all of the time. It isn’t that bad. Some guys have pin up models. Other guys fancy themselves lovers of true beauty and reserve their eyes for the rarest of beauties–the ladies who have unique and interesting features. He was just a guy who liked Sydney.

Barney did not have a lot going for him. He was not particularly good looking or talented. He didn’t have a mastery of the internet like Neo or Morpheus. He was, as they said on his favorite SportsCenter hour, JaG. Just another Guy. Today he wore joggers and a Game of Thrones shirt that showed midriff just like Sydney. It lacked the appeal hers carried.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Yikes. Some days you really DO NOT have it.
  2. Rough dad evening. Haven’t been with the kids a lot this last week and they are pretty needy and are not being respectful of the writing time and space.

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