4.407. Reflections on a Saturday Night

Began the Dragonball Hunt today–www.thedbquest.com. I enjoy this immensely. I feel as though I have a lot to offer to the quest and I feel like it brings the family together.

The quest is a 15-day rollercoaster ride of riddles and clues designed to get the two birthday boys to recognize and complete 7 challenges. The result of each challenge is a Dragonball. Once they have all 7 they get to make a wish. It is an epically cool idea my partner thought up, based on the Dragon Ball shows. I love that I get to be involved. I love that it allows me to explore my own creativity in a a way I haven’t since I GM’d games.

My younger boys get in on the act too. They want their own quest (since they are not really part of the DBhunt as participants but generally as foils). However, this is something special to the older two. Everyone has their own cool thing and making another quest would lessen that.

In short, I am experiencing moments of joy. That is a good thing.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Relationships are difficult. The more I think things are going well, the more I feel like I’ve jinxed it. Suddenly I look over and it feels like I am back at the bad place again. This could all be internal–a manifestation of my fears. Or not. Perhaps the truth is in between.

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