4.416. Reflections on a Monday Night

I am whelmed. Robin would be proud. Of course I’ve always attempted to pattern myself after the boy wonder. I don’t much think of myself as a boy anymore (though I will always be 12) but I still fall into the idea of the play and fun and lightheartedness of the moment.

I am whelmed. I had a very hard day today, but it didn’t defeat me. I have a hard day tomorrow and I’m ready to get at it. Moreover, I see room for growth. I took on today without a shred of organization and still got stuff done. Tomorrow won’t be as simple, I suspect. I have a pair of early meetings and a ton of work to follow. On the upside it feels like I have an opportunity to make some home progress, and that is going to be wonderful if it happens.

The if is the downside. While I am making progress in some areas the open acceptance of potential failure is a bad key. I need to live more in the positive space, especially at times where the people around me are deep in the struggle. So, yes, I am whelmed.

I am behind on a few things, but I have it under control. I even feel a desire to move forward with story this week. That is important and that is monumental in terms of change.

Life can be really amazing if you let it. I read an article today predicting how (and perhaps when) the universe will come to a close and it got me thinking about a few things in my own life. This life story has a conclusion and it is, likely, oblivion. In the meanwhile I have a responsibility to myself to enjoy the moments I have left. So, I’m going to do that and do everything I can to not feel so damn guilty about it. So, yeah.

Just for giggles: Robin’s Whelmed Quote..

Some Thoughts:

  1. I had one. Seriously. Then it got away.

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