
The difference between life and fiction is that in life when you’ve written yourself into a corner the one thing you can’t do is get written out of it. In life the choices you make don’t undergo revision or deus ex machina. Instead things simply fall apart. You can try to keep going. You can patch it together with all the duct tape in the world until what was once a beautiful idea made real is just a duct taped production that doesn’t really work anymore.

I don’t love the idea of falling into a world where there is nothing left but duct tape on the things that matter the most.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Turned my daughter on to ‘Last Man on Earth’ and it remains a lousy show. At least it is something to watch during the pandemic.
  2. Life is rougher and rougher every day here. Some of it is pandemic but most of it is the weight of the bad choices I’ve made and the fact that everyone around me is forced to live with those choices. It is enough that I don’t want to be in charge of anything anymore and really just want to let go and let the leadership be in the hands of people who are most impacted by me vs. me myself. It is a cop out, but it is one that seems to make the most sense to me.
  3. Back to Last Man. It has a strange similarity to Curb Your Enthusiasm which is another show about an asshole. I think that I see both shows very differently in the wake of the rise of Trump and in so far as spending so much time with these shows. I’m largely done with assholes. Perhaps having dealt with them so long and having to work so closely with them so recently that I cannot stomach them as protagonists.
  4. Now I’m just trying to shift the conversation in other directions to kill time. Thank goodness the time is up…

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