4.505. Reflections on a Saturday Night

Nothing long and coherent enough to constitute a mains story, so instead I’ll get right into …

Some Thoughts:

  1. It is amazing what passes as news these days. There is an article on the front page of the foxnews website about a meteorologist reacting to Cuomo receiving praise. Not news. Not newsworthy. All Fox. This stuff needs to be laughed at publicly, because when we give it the benefit of seriousness we give it more power.
  2. Football season is over. We lost. Again. I’m not sure where we go from here. The kid is locked in and wants to be a part of this squad moving forward, so that is what we will do. Personally, I am not sure of the role I play moving forward in any of this stuff. I’m closer every day to being a dad and fan only.
  3. My two oldest boys are playing at the H.S. level and their school only won 2 games at the freshman level this season. That is two more than JV and varsity combined. Yet despite the failure, there is a bright spot on campus. The newly renovated stadium will be the site of the state Championships (which we will not be involved in).
  4. I talk a lot of football on this blog. I wonder where my head will be once that season’s memories pass into the forgotten chambers?
  5. Been thinking more and more about what the future looks like and what I need to do in order to create a better life for my partner and our family. Not sure how to be entirely successful. I need to change the culture around here fast.
  6. Not much else to say today.

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