4.504. What Trump is Really up to and Why we shouldn’t Sleep on it

A long time ago Trevor Noah compared Trump to an African Dictator. It was a funny but chilling comparison that seems more accurate by the day. Trump did an excellent job casting doubt on the election before it even happened. He spent years promising that, ‘if he lost’ it would be the result of corruption and tampering by ‘the dems’. He created a narrative that practically guaranteed the situation we are in now: That his losing would be invalid. This set us up for what is about to happen. Trump is about to try an end around on this election.

The signs are there and are extremely worrisome. He considered bombing Iran, which would have led to a war and thus made him a wartime president, which I believe he thinks is enough to stop the transition. He is personally calling electoral boards in states he lost in order to strongarm them to send their electors to vote for him anyway or to change the results. He is acting a public fool. He is being a dangerous and destructive president.

The bottom line is this: Trump is not capable of processing loss. As a result he is willing to scorch the earth to make sure the loss is negated. He is willing to cause tremendous damage to the US and our world standing and our institutional integrity in order to feel like a winner and to be in charge. He already cast doubt on the election process itself to the point where multiple future elections will live under this cloud. He has not considered the consequences of stealing back this election–especially under the flailing circumstances it is being done. Had he started that war, it would have triggered a cascade of events that feel more like the promised events attributed to Obama as the so-called anti-christ.

The Republican machine exists to further the interests of the largest donors, and those people know they can manipulate Trump to get their own policies rammed through. So, the machine keeps working in his favor. However, he is a dangerous and foolish despot that is going to destroy our country if given the chance to stay in power.

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