4.523. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

One of those focused day–one of the days where the mind is on the novel and on little else. Outside of the words I dived into some solid quality time with the love of my life and that was wonderful. It was a moment of pure happiness. Life is full of these little moments. It is also full of…

Some Thoughts:

  1. The more I see evidence of UFOs be published and not refuted the more I wonder if we are being primed in some way to be accepting of extra-planetary intelligence. I don’t think we are ready for that as a species. I do think that if these things are not extra-terrestrial then we are dealing with wicked good tech we ought to be really worried about. I’m talking post-Musk type tech.
  2. Speaking of which, what happened to WONDER? we used to be impressed and surprised at new tech and now we just rush to get it to be the first to have it and consider the tech evolution to be inevitable.
  3. The VR bubble doesn’t have to be a bubble. Seriously.
  4. I need to explore the raspberry pi stuff. I have had one sitting by my bed for two years. Haven’t touched it. Crazy.

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