4.524. Waiver Wednesday

2021 needs to be entirely on point.

2020 is such a clusterfrag of a year (and such a fitting conclusion to an American Presidency that really pooped on the planet) that we need a hard reset. We need that mentality that gets us going in a new and vibrant direction. Since this is Waiver Wednesday (and I’m done predicting) I’ll talk about that direction and how it reflects on my sporting world.

Youth Game
Next year represents the last year of youth sports. We are taking a ‘gap year’ to not do the club stuff and not do football and instead the last youth is going to train with the High School folks and get ready for that experience. Moreover, it is going to be a gap year of reflection in which the kid experiences other stuff and decides if he wants to put in that work to be a High School athlete. As a result this is going to be the 12u year of fanfare. We want to go out big–State Championship, etc. He was invited to the All Star game this year locally and, if possible, I’d like to see him go to the All Star game locally and Nationally next year–collect those Jerseys and collect that feeling heading into the real show.

High School
2021 is going to be different. With multiple big names applying for the HC position at the H.S. we are sure to get an influx of talent in the coaching department. This means we may actually get on the road towards building a legit program. My kid has a chance to start over. He will be 14 by the start of the school year and on age (and grown up enough) with the freshman. The choice that remains is ‘does he play freshman ball again?’ I suspect he will play JV and some freshman as well, moving up and down the ranks as a WR/CB while developing as a K, which is his likely spot at Varsity and possibly beyond.

The Pro Game
I love what I’ve seen out of NY over the last month. This team is finally getting a sense of what the O and D should look like. We have the draft and free agency to build on that. The emergence of Gallman means that Barkley will have time to recover and work his way back into the offense as opposed to the weight of the team slamming down on his shoulders (and thus his knee).

I love my sports. I love writing about them. I’m excited for what 2021 may bring.

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