4.525. Reflections on a Thursday Night

I got to see snow.

This is a rarity for me and something I took for granted all those years in New York. My partner and I spent the evening up north in search of the elusive flakes. We found them in droves. By early afternoon fat flakes were pouring from the sky. I captured them on film as I watched from the window. It was a perfect morning.

By evening I’d settled in with the fam to watch Peninsula, the sequel to the highly regarded Train to Busan. The sequel sucked. It was about on par with most sequels in this new movie era. It felt like a cash grab where the director had very little to say and far more people to please with what he put on screen. It felt exactly like Ready Player 2, except I didn’t know these characters, so they had to build them wholly out of tropes. It was, at least entertaining. This, in spite of very bad CGI (as though they were using found footage from I am Legend) and largely overdone chase scenes.

I miss small movies. I miss movies where the intrigue is about the story and the realism of the acting and the characters. Roman Polanski’s Carnage comes to mind. Man I enjoyed the heck out of that movie.

I need more good cinema and more good writing. I need to find a way out of low and even mid-tier and into high tier stuff. I need film and literature that make me want to be a better writer vs. make me want to be a volume writer. I hope it is out there. I’ll keep looking until I find it.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Something else I took for granted living in NYC? Humidity. That sweat helped me stay healthy, I think.

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