
I meant to do the freewrite, but I am starting this at 10:40 and my brain is cooked. I mean cooked. I’ve been playing games for hours and I have not done that in a long time. Honestly, I wonder how kids (especially my kids) can do this for like 9 hours in a day and be ready for more. The amount of screen time is astounding. The lack of independent creativity is astounding and likely my fault.

Tomorrow the goal is to slip out of this one day bingefest and back into the writer mode, so expect a saturday freewrite as a way to appease y’all (and myself) for the sloppy friday situation.

I’m coming to a particular conclusion about this life and this world: We cannot always be what we want or expect to be, and that is a beautiful thing. I’ve learned more about myself from failure than success. Perhaps that is because the success was an expectation, and the failure was a shock that required change.

I still fail all the time. I failed today in some ways as a partner. I failed in some ways as a parent. Yet I was successful in both as well. Success and failure are the yin and yang of my life as these words are the fatigue driven ramblings of a man who is up far too late.

I’ll be putting an end to that right now…

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