4.528. Kaizen

This Japanese term means continuous improvement, and I’ve decided to adopt it as a way of being in the now and next. I want to be able to look at myself each day at the end of the day and say how I’ve gotten a little bit better.

Getting better is more than a New Year’s resolution. It is a definite need for me, as I am an individual who has become stagnant in more ways than I can imagine. I am surrounded by stagnancy and likely bring many of the people around me down. I sink to the lowest possible level, like a sponge soaking up all the suck, swallowing it and wallowing in it. I need to tell myself to get better. I need to make those around me better vs. worse. This is my task.


  1. I recognized that I have to get better ever day. Knowing is half the battle. The other half is hard ass work.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I’ll mess with that format. It is likely the Kaizen will become a part of some thoughts.
  2. My mom showed up. This is not a simple ‘oh she walked or drove across town.” No, she flew across the country during Covid. Popped in for business, and briefly stopped by the house to say hello. Unannounced. I cannot make this shit up… and I’m a fiction writer.
  3. Jr. Talislegger #2 is back in the football game and that means that I need to rise early in order to get the kid to practice on Sundays. Yay.
  4. These blogs are getting later and later and about less and less… That is never a good sign.
  5. Coffee talk: While I have a love for large cups of coffee a la Gilmore Girls, I find that a smaller cup holds more heat and thus flavor.
  6. I enjoy these short thoughts… especially when I have little to say.
  7. I will say that I am increasingly aware that I am falling ill. Not quite sure what it is. It does not match up with Covid, which is good.

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