
I realize that there is not much point to saying this other than to actually put it out there, so I am saying it so that it has been said: American Media is manipulating what should essentially be a minor political divide in order to capture eyeballs. The two largest perpetrators are Fox and CNN. I wanted to say MSNBC, but that organization doesn’t garner nearly as many views as the CNN machine. Fox is King, and the King has many princes clogging up the reality works. As a result, the American public is truly screwed and glued to their feeds.

Nearly all of the news operations in this country are for profit. They all brand themselves in one way or another, but that branding is more about surface and message than any deeply seeded truth. For example, Fox who rails against the injustice of Liberalism and the commie socialist scum, also has a side hustle of buying up student debt and raising interest levels on said debt through a subsidiary known as Credible Labs. This undercuts the messaging of anti-this and that as they are showing themselves to be pushing that messaging not for the benefit of a strong ‘Christian Nation’ but for themselves. Futhermore, we are not a Christian nation. We are meant to be built on principles outside of one religion.

CNN is an eyeball machine. They roll opposite of Fox in hopes of catching those eyeballs. They push and push and push stories they think the readership will love and keep clicking on. In modern parlance, CNN is straight clickbait. The underlying principle governing CNN is: Get them to watch our stuff. In that sense they are no different than Fox and no less insidious. Fox simply does it better, because the Republican party is built on the principle of follow the leader and do whatever the leader says (very non-American) and CNN caters to a democratic audience that feels that following the leader is less important than speaking your truth and protecting your truth.

I’d like to say the problem boils down to politics but the problem really boils down to Money, Power, and Sheep. We, the people, are the sheep and we face a number of shepherds trying to lead us into the valley of darkness. Not one of them is his brothers keeper. It is our responsibility as individuals to see through the nonsense and make choices based on what we think and feel and believe is best for the nation–not what these outlets tell us to do.

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