4.532. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Been working on the novella lately and enjoying every moment of the work. I’m happy about how the writing is going. I’m mostly happy about how the life is going save for the moments where I find myself walking on eggshells hoping everything is right with the family. Life is good.

Over this break we spent a good deal of time re-watching the Gilmore Girls. It is a tradition here; one that I’ve grown to enjoy. Watching old shows feels like going home. What I really need to do is figure out how to balance that activity with the gaming. There is not a great deal of balance in this situation. There is a great deal of binging of various activities and subjects.

Yet I’m joyful. I’m happy about how life is going and how I’m doing in life. It is Kaizen pure and simple. Today’s Kaizen involved writing and focusing on the words. I gave myself a few hours of writing and research and the two came together to develop a very good chapter. One more to go in that sequence, and I will be on the way to being done by Sunday….

Then it is on the the next novel.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Had the Madden Superbowl. Lost. It was actually a good thing as it seems to have injected a great deal of excitement into the league. Everyone feels like the ‘ship is up for grabs, and 3 out of 4 of us have won it. Gonna be a great season.

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