4.533. Freewrite Friday

I’m having a bit of a crisis of creativity on many levels. Of course, this is likely the depression creeping up again (when it was never actually gone). It is a struggle right now to do anything, and there is much to do… like this blog. The word of the day is: Idiopathic (arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause).

At first we couldn’t figure out a name for them. For a very small portion of the population the age of seven was an awakening. It would happen on their birthday, as though their biological engines clicked over in time with that day and sequence. These children would fall asleep the night prior with a headache or other localized pain and when they woke they would be changed.

Once the military caught wind of the change they called it an ‘activation’ as though a flip had been switched or a sleeper agent awakened. The thousands of scientists and institutes concurrently studying the condition called it just that–a condition.

We all called it and them Sevens.

Whatever the cause, a select few would wake up on their seventh birthday in possession of strange new abilities. Hyper-strength. Hyper speed, and increased intellectual ability were among the common gifts. Rare cases had the ability to manipulate items at a distance with their thoughts. Others still could interface with computers with their minds. All of it was magical to the normals like us, and frightening to the older generation who saw nothing but a threat and a potential weapon.

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