
I’m debating between riding the low and holding my 10 measly shares in AMC or selling at a profound loss in order to double down on some other action including Doge coin. I truly believe the market is about gambling and betting for or against peoples products, abilities, and even lives. This is a sad truth of the pyramid scheme that is the global financial market. Truth be told: I am on the bottom. Truth also be told, I am doing a lot of this stock stuff either as a fun experiment with the boys, research for writing, or just as a way to gamble away from the very very dangerous slot machines. So, It is not all that bad in the end.

The research matters. The research makes the narrative feel as real as the characters do, and you need both–especially when your hold on the real is so limited as it always feels to be in science fiction.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I learned today that a 17 yr old kid I used to give rides home to just died. All I know about the situation is that his heart gave out. He is dead and I’m thinking about what a loss that must be for his family and about how I would feel to lose a boy or my partner or anyone significant in my life. I have a decent amount of past experience with loss but I’ve been lucky as of late. Still the mad march of time suggests it will not always be as such and one of these days the lost one will be me.

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