6.38. Reflections on a Saturday Night

So, I coached.

I mean I really coached. I was the only coach out there on the field for offense and defense in a 7 v 7 high school tourney and man, I was having fun. This is no longer my life but for a moment it was fun to get back out there and feel that I had the ability to make a difference moreso than I felt all of last season. I was happy and drained and it felt like a proper goodbye. Like that moment I love so much in Love Actually, “Enough”

So I am ready to move on and be a fan to these kids proper like. I can look at what they are doing and say, cool. I can help them get better through an hour at the park here and there but that is not coaching. That is a dad out with his kids. I spent a ton of mental energy thinking about this kind of stuff for years and now I need to turn that energy towards the other more important stuff in my life.

Yep, that does include the writing.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I miss the Casinos
  2. I miss Peter King’s coffeenerdness. I need to do something to pay homage to that man’s swag again. I need to think about ways to make that Wednesday better for the blog. For the fans and for PK.
  3. Speaking of writers named King, next Thursday Stephen King is set to debut a new part of the Stand–a Coda made for the show. I hope it is better than the ending we were stuck with on the show last week. It felt way too rushed to wrap things up properlike.
  4. Been sleeping extremely poorly to the point where I messed up my neck again. Not great.

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