6.43. Virtual Children

What if we decided to raise AI?

What if we made the choice to culture AI based on ourselves in the way we culture algorithms to respond to our shopping and searching habits? Cultured AI would be a gateway to a new form of interspecies relationship similar to the companionship we seek from our animals. While AI are not ‘true life forms’ as of yet they are already at the responsive capacity to understand who we are and respond in ways that make us feel better. These digital children would be embedded with base code and learning algorithms which would allow for the end user to ‘teach’ it based on the users behaviors. We could sequence program digital behaviors based on what the user inputs as needs as we already do through some of the more complex dating apps.

I don’t know if this is already underway, but it is an idea I will be pursuing in future writing. I have stories on tap that would be really enhanced by this technology and in fact I have stories I want to tell about this type of technology and how it would impact community. I started thinking about this because of the upcoming conference on humans and AI. I believe I will pitch on the subject. I believe I have something to say here–something worth writing about as well. Virtual Children may not end up being the title, but the idea is one that has a lot of steam behind it in my mind. You will hear more of this from me soon.

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