6.52. Reflections on a Saturday Night

I just learned that my (perspective) future Sister in Law is packing up her kid and boyfriend and moving to Honduras (or nearabouts). She wants a new start in a tropical paradise. She mentioned that it is a good look for my partner and I, and I think she is wrong. Still, the thought carries. We’ve been talking about this idea of being somewhere else and having a different life. I like that idea. I could see us taking the kids elsewhere and being pretty happy. My life is fairly compact–I require little from this actual state and short of the kids I have no lasting ties to this state. But where to go? Unclear. It is a moment of growth for me to be considering the conversation and being open to the possibilities of a different kind of life.

Overall I want to be living a life where writing is more of a primary concern–more than teaching or games or anything short of my partner. This is a habit I need to form, because I recognize more and more that I do have stories to tell in various mediums. I want to write scripts again. I want to do comics. I want to figure out what is next in the multimedia landscape.

I want to build a life that fulfills the two primaries in it.

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