6.55. On Being a Writer

For me being a writer still means doing anything else first. Like this blog for example. It is 9 in the morning and I woke up three hours ago. I am only now approaching the page. I won’t get there for another ten minutes because I am here with you, dear reader. Presently you are my excuse to suck. I have several. Before this I was looking for a few cords and a stand to further develop my lab (what kind of lab still remains unclear, though I suspect I will try to write there at some point and even hang a monitor, because of course I would). Before that I was playing Madden and enjoying the team I raised from a 73 to now 84 overall in a few short years (hear that, NYG? Listen up!). Before that was coffee with the partner and before that a walk and before that I was in bed. Now if I want to move writing to the top of my life then I have to move writing to the top of my list. Let that be a lesson to you, writers. You gotta want to put writing higher on the list than the other things that are easier and often more fun in the moment. Once you do you will fall into a (not always comfortable) rhythm and get the words out and get better at the words and, in time, do this enough that you produce a thing that is worthwhile.

I may be talking to myself here. I need to learn it as much as other writers.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I always want to write ‘Writier’ like courtier. Sounds cooler.
  2. Still in search of the perfect desk setup, which is code for: I am still seeking excuses not to write.
  3. Well, I am out of excuses not to write… and out of time here…

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