6.91. Reflections on a New Week

Hope is a thing people talk about when they have to rely on something that is not in their control. We often believe in the loss of control as an act beyond our personal control and often it is as such, but as with luck, control favors the prepared mind. It is in this vein of understanding that I choose to approach the new week. There are several hurdles and obstacles I face in the race towards the weekend and that coming pause before the next race. Perhaps it is best not to consider life as a race but as a journey in which I am trying to constantly better myself. I believe that I have the ability to control my situation though it requires planning, preparation, and dedication. I’ve lacked all three on a regular basis.

I’m a smart man–though functionally less so over the years. Still smarts are not enough to get my stuff back on the proper tracks. I gotta get organized again and get it right fast.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The more I watch shows about business and politics, the more the feel like the same show and the same exact situation over and again. I do not quite recognize where these core stories are coming from, but I need to keep looking and learning. The key is to be there at the core before you become the person pumping out a rehashed version of what was already done. I’m not talking the core seven stories here but a deeper relational experience reflective of the now.

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