6.102. Freewrite Friday

The Word of the Day is Vendetta

I don’t believe in vengeance. Well, I didn’t believe in it. I thought I was above such things. I watched people watch the movies focused on vengeance and found it entirely distasteful. All of the shooting always made me cover my ears. All of the blood made me cover my eyes. I suppose it all changed for me when he stopped treating me right.

It wasn’t a sudden shift. It was not an overnight change from love to hate or even a change to hate. He loved me, but I didn’t feel it. I didn’t feel the connection–the warmth that kept my heart from shivering at night. So, I grew cold and I grew distant in my loneliness. I decided that he needed to feel what I felt and perhaps then he would understand.

I started with small things. I traded out his underwear for smaller sizes, so he would think he was getting fatter. I laced the meals with sleep agents so he would grow heavy and tired after each one. Little by little I changed the fine elements of his life until all at once he felt not himself. He felt as I felt. He felt alone and dejected in every moment of the day.

This was my vengeance; my vendetta against him.

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