
Spent time watching the new Wakanda Forever trailer and recognized yet again how Marvel’s agenda of turning every Superhero in to a woman has infiltrated this as well. Only this one feels different. Wakanda has always been about strong black women. It was the thread of the first film and of the preceding comics. Now with the focus on Ironheart and Shuri, that vision continues. I’m not really mad about it here. In truth, it has been accompanied by good story in most of these transformations. Hopefully that continues.

Some Thoughts:

  1. When writing in a shared world, some writers choose to take ownership over the world and shape it to their desires and vision. I do that. It is hard when others who do that have a vision I, for the life of me, cannot see a reason to exist. This is not the way, but I will try to maintain a sense of self and vision in the chaos.
  2. Fantasy football talk tomorrow, which means it will be Wednesday. This week has flown by quickly.
  3. House sales suck. The entire process is about the buyer screwing you just enough so you can both feel okay about the interaction. I’m in a position where I am not getting what I’d call a win, and I am merely waiting until it is over.
  4. Falling dangerously behind on writing this week. I’m just completely out of sorts.

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