4.470. Reflections on a Saturday Evening

Family night was mostly a success tonight. We had problems–namely the youngest of the bunch struggling within the family dynamic. He is not being good to the family in general and actively working to separate from everyone. He is moody and combative and generally having time with merging families. I fear he sees it as a betrayal of his mother, and it is not that at all. There are other things going on with him–with his confidence especially–that need to be addressed. I am not sure how to deal with all of it and I need to come up with a plan.

I also need to come up with a plan for getting back on track and getting off my ass in order to be productive. I am battling depression as well as struggling with finding balance in my personal life. I believe the two are very connected and I do not have a sense of how to break free of the depression. I do feel the best option for me is to take a few hours, sit down, and script out a real plan for the rest of the year, I mean starting with dates and money and plans and all of that down to the finite details of all that needs doing. I went out and bought a ‘reset calendar’ thus throwing more money at the problem without having a real plan to solve it. Still, I might as well use the calendar and get on some kind of positive path.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Rough football day. The kid learned that he has the potential to be a superstar at the B level, but didn’t see the field at the A level. We will see what happens next. I hope he steps up and decides who he wants to be in a hurry.
  2. Same goes for the mid kid who is struggling with being a 13 yr old playing HS football. He isn’t quite ready and it shows.
  3. Meanwhile, I am ready to be done as a coach. I love being on the sideline and talking to the kids, but I am really not a part of that group and don’t have a lot I am able to offer.
  4. Monday I turn in my laptop to the old job. I’m very okay with turning it and my keys in. I am less fine with the having to go down there in order to do it. That is time out of my day to make life easier for people who fired me.
  5. Still working on the desk setup. Not quite happy with it. Need more light and need to figure out where everything goes in the most comfortable fashion.

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