4.471. Some Thoughts

Ten Minutes to catch up on…

Some Thoughts:

  1. 8-5 record last week means my predictive skills are roughly par. On the season that brings me to 49-25. Meanwhile, I started Minshew this week over Burrow and I am feeling that deep regret already…
  2. Football is not going well for any of my boys. Maybe it is time to step back and focus on training them when I want to train them and letting them see the world for what it is: unforgiving and uncaring. Right now none of them are the guy. Each is just another guy. The choice to step up cannot be mine.
  3. The choice to be successful and good as humans cannot be mine either. I need to do a better job of putting structures in place that allow them not to suck.
  4. I need to get on a better page and path as a human. As of now I am in the full suck mode. I talked about ideas on how to break out of it yesterday and I have done nothing. I am not too solid at maintaining routine.
  5. I need to consider the possibility that I too am Just another Guy in every possible way and less than that in terms of being a good partner to another human. It does not mean I cannot improve. It does mean I am not great at the moment or ever have been.

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