4.472. Reflections on Elections

Honestly, I think most people in our country are more dedicated to their social group, religious groups than they are to their political party. There is definite overlap. Groups make choices and get aligned with things rather easily. Unfortunately, these alignments are very binary in our country and very much not about the people supposedly being served. To that end I will say that I am considered a democrat. I will be in that classification as long as the ‘other side’ continues to act a public fool and so long as there are so-called sides in the issues that define our nation.

Here is what troubles me: Aligning to a party means aligning to a platform and generally means straight forward defense of the people at the top. We have people who continue to laud Trump as great and wonderful when he does many of the things those same people found to be reprehensible and flat out criminal when it was being conducted by someone on the ‘other side’.

The system is not designed to better the American people as a whole. It is a fixed game designed to better opportunities for a small selection of Americans who have classically been defined as leadership or worthwhile. Moreover, the coverage and media angle has worked to disenfranchise young people and to convince them that they not only do not matter but should not care.

I am constantly reminded that people don’t get it. They don’t care. They don’t want to really even try to get it. The leadership does not matter to them. Unfortunately, this is largely a function of age. See, I was the non-caring type. As I age I learn and I understand and I feel more and more that the way our government works is wrong and we need systemic change.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Heard an important line on How I Met Your (Father) tonight. Find one thing in life and make every decision about that one thing…

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