
No freewrite tonight. I’m way too frustrated for that.

I do not know if anyone has heard of having a doubleNat error, but I have one and that error, which appeared basically out of nowhere, has led to a cascade of problems which entirely imploded my network.

Here is some background: We moved. I went Cox. I decided to build a network on top of their gateway modem. that network was built off an Archer router. All was good in the ‘verse.

One day (yesterday) I got a doubleNat error message from xbox. The error impacted 2 of the 4 stations in the house. All 4 are on the same sub network. Nothing I did would correct the error. So, I tried to switch the herforetobecalled over-network gateway to bridge mode. That led to nothing working. Apparently Bridge mode does not work for this situation. Now I’ve had to reset the router (to no avail) and I will be attempting to do that again and rebuild the network tomorrow when clearer heads prevail.

I am angry and stressed about this, because in all likelihood, it may not work without me spending more money on the problem. I used to love a good problem to tackle. Not today.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I am typing slow tonight because my mind is not working right. There is a lot of frustration building inside of me and given the terrible lack of sleep, it is resulting in a lot of errors.

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