4.491. Reset

Donald trump was on the golf course when he heard the news of his defeat. It felt like he was not taking the moment seriously, which is what I feel about his entire term. I feel the moment itself encapsulated the last for years of this American life. It also reminded me that we are all, in a way, passengers of a larger experience, and we do collectively have the power to decide what the experience looks like, so long as we are willing to act and find the cost of action worth the impact.

In many ways I feel like this is the beginning of a new opportunity. In the back of my mind is the lingering sense of doom that surrounds the existing stimulus package and the possibility of a new package that will basically be created on printed money. We are already at the point where the debt is 101% of the GDP according to the Congressional Budget Office. Inevitably the blame for that falls on the democrats, whether deserved or not. This only means that in 4 more years Trump will be able to sweep back into office riding a wave of I told you so and create the illusion that he can Make America Great Again. I suspect this time his daughter will be his VP. I also hope the American people will have smartened up by then.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Office is not ready. Came back in here to do this blog and the lighting is absolutely horrible. I am squinting through the darkness to see the keyboard. A trip to the store is in order. I need a small and inexpensive desk lamp. And a bunch of lightbulbs.
  2. Writing is providing a number of opportunities that I need to capitalize on. I need to do that fairly soon.

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