4.493. Things I Think I Think

I’m peeling back the veneer here a bit and paying all due homage and respect to Peter King who first introduced me to the concept of ‘Some Thoughts’. His title was Things I Think I Think, and that applied to me in so many ways. I wanted a space to talk about these random thoughts that were only peripherally attached to a greater reality. Thus was born my Some Thoughts. So now we dive in…

  1. In Honor of That Man we will start with football and Sam Darnold, in fact. Statistically speaking, the Jets are better when Darnold is not playing. Flacco has delivered the only two games in which the Jets scored 20 or more. He is responsible for 3 of the 6 games in which the team scored double digits. He’s only played in 4 of the 9 games. Darnold is not the guy. Blame the weapons all you want, but Flacco does more with the same material.
  2. I’m discovering that I am not doing well, emotionally, in my present circumstance. I blame Covid. I am not in a place surrounded by happiness and motivation. In fact, often when I am happy it feels strange in the space, which is tough to deal with because the joy brings me a surreal level of guilt. Furthermore, I experience a high level of empathy, particularly in regards to sadness and often find myself teetering and falling into the darkness. This is not healthy.
  3. It probably isn’t Covid’s fault. In truth, the general malaise may be more about my presence, which makes this more of a Casual Loop.
  4. Regardless of the reasons I am close to pissing away my best ever writing opportunity. I need to kick into gear. Now.
  5. Neck and back pain have become the constant. I don’t know if it is the bed or how I sit/walk/exist or what. I do know that I am too young to be an old man already.
  6. From the Barr memo: “I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I have already done in specific instances.” Which serves as a clear example of what is going down in the political spectrum. This will be a contentious transfer of power.
  7. NewsMax still won’t call the election and millions of people are hanging on to that hope that NewsMax is right to presume Trump still has a fighting chance (if not the lead). NewsMax is going to earn a ton of viewers as a result. I am starting to wonder who runs that rag and what their motivations are…
  8. Is nobody else concerned about the President circling the wagons and firing people who aren’t ‘his people’ at the top? Are we preparing for power not to be transferred?
  9. Back to football: Youth version. The playoff info should post in the next day or two, and I am deeply disappointed in how this has turned out. We have an unusual system of Power Points in the AYF that doesn’t actually work in conjunction with W/L records as we’ve accrued such things this year. In our so-called D1 the teams that remain have not exactly played D1 talent. Or anyone. Many teams haven’t played the same number of games, which throws off the entire measurement. That being said, the top D2 team could be one of the 3 undefeated teams, making them D1 by default. This whole thing is a mess…

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