4.499. Reflections on a Sunday Night

A lot of football this Sunday. From the amazing catch by D-Hop to our very enjoyable end to a Madden season to the start of a new one. I had a good time immersing myself in football for several hours and feel really good moving forward into the winter season where there are a few more months of football on the tube and just this last week of football in person. We end the season in 6 days. I am excited for it to be over. I’m done with the season. I’ve seen a great deal of growth from the youngest and regression from the other two. The net balance sucks, especially when we account for injury.

I am happy to be done with going to football three times a week. It is a valuable part of my life and one that is lessening over time. Still it is becoming more and more seasonal and less and less about the team the boys are playing for as opposed to the personal growth they need to undergo themselves.

The Madden stuff continues to be a really really good time for me. I love video games and love playing them with the boys, so that is a perfect pairing.

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