4.500. The Good, The Bad, and the Mondays



The best thing I can say about the day is that I walked to the grocery store, bought OJ, and walked back. I bought other stuff too but at least 50% of the other stuff was a failed purchase. How one manages to buy the wrong lightbulbs in this day and age is beyond me…

Meanwhile my latest refuge, Madden, is becoming maddeningly non-refuge like. I blame the kids. They scour the web for videos on how to hack trades and glitch the franchise mode. We are supposed to be having fun, building teams to battle each other, and playing by the known and accepted set of rules. This is not the way.

However, it does give me the idea for a video game. It is similar to franchise in that each player controls a city, but instead of recruiting players they are recruiting super-powered warriors or Kaiju to fight for them. It could be a sport game as well, I suppose. I wish to design an entirely new sport like was done in Harry Potter. That would likely mean writing something that sells and catches on.

Since I brought up writing, I will bring up the fact that I didn’t really do any today and as a result I am terribly behind for the week. November has been no Wrimo for me. I’m trying to fall into a steady writing flow, but it is not working the way I planned. Instead I am back to the classic starts and fits that have long plagued me. Most of that has to do with emotional highs and lows and letting that guide my words.

Lately ‘Very Low’ feels like my high point. At least I am nearly ready to add time to my life again. Covid killed winter sports, and the end of the football season is nigh (read: Saturday). I will have more time to devote to other tasks. Lest I waste that time on more of the lows. Such is the way I found myself in bed most of the day and, eventually, attempting to walk it off.

Life goes on. I’ve gone on for ten minutes too.

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