4.517. A Brief Retraction and Thoughts about the Future

Yesterday I wrote the Waiver Wednesday blog. It wasn’t Wednesday. What’s worse is that I completely thought it was due to the fact that I hardly leave the house anymore. I teach online in an asynchronous format, which means I don’t interact with the students on daily basis. We have certain days when work is due, but interactions happen whenever work is submitted, which is tied to the due dates.

All of this is to say that I had no clue it was not Wednesday yesterday. I woke up, wrote a blog, and later recognized it was a day earlier than I thought it was. Sad, but strangely unimportant beyond the blog. This is the new world for us now. The day doesn’t necessarily matter as much as it used to.

I feel as though we are in the midsts of a major shift in human behavior/reality. This goes beyond the shifting landscape of world power. This is about the death of theaters and the rise of VR and self driving cars and telepresence and the technologies that will be arriving shortly to unite these things. This is about the moon becoming a new source of mining and the resultant change in mining tech. This is about how we are going to respond to a shift in how we create power. This is about the return of nuclear and the impact of overpopulation. This is about deciding what is next and contextualizing that.

It occurs to me that, as a sci fi writer I’m supposed to be shining a light on these possibilities and the impacts to human lives. I have work to do…

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