4.518. Reflections on a Thursday

Upon hearing the rumors about the upcoming Black Panther II film I recognized one thing: I need to be writing better stuff. If I write better stuff I will get invited to write more stuff and perhaps one day get invited to Skywalker Ranch or Marvel Studios and get a chance to have input in the stories I want to tell to the world and get a chance to tell even more cool stories and even riff on my favorite heroes and make their stories better. Yes, I am channeling my inner Abrams, but I don’t intend to screw it up. In fact, I would like the opportunity to release a new version of Ready Player One that actually pages homage to the 80s as it should, and a Gunslinger series that brings the Gunslinger to the stream in 8+ episode series. In reality, I’d like to see 19 episodes per season with the finale being ultra legit.

I’m here dreaming and that is a good thing. For a while I’d forgotten how to dream. I’ve been locked up in so much drama and disappointment and regret about daily life and the things I don’t do that I clearly forgot about a little thing called W O N D E R. I also forgot about another little thing called input. I’ve been struggling with getting my mind going, and getting myself to be and do the things in life that make me happy. I need to get back to being that dude. I need to do it fast.

We only have so much time in these meat bags.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The sodram jet design is the coolest thing I’ve heard in 2020. if TLDR, the thing goes 16 times the speed of sound. Read it. Just saying. Then go down that rabbit hole like I did. Man, it’s deep.

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