6.70. Waiver Wednesday

The NFL trade season is happening if slowly. We’ve seen a handful of blockbuster deals and it feels like everyone is waiting on the promise of the draft in order to figure out who they really want to dig in and grab. Not so much for who they want to let go. My Giants parted ways with a starting O-Lineman, which saves them 12 million dollars they will obviously need in order to get some more talent on the field. The hope is that they cut another lineman, Nate Solder, and save even more cash. Here I am rooting for people to get fired. In truth I am rooting for different people to get hired. That is the magic and misery of the salary cap. You cannot buy your way to maximum success. You have an upper limit (and a lower limit) of how much you spend, which means cultivating talent from within has value. We’ve come a short way with that in Giantslandia. I say we even though I am just a fan, but the we here is the we watching and hoping and praying there is happiness on the other side of these cuts.

So, what about the rest of the Talis sporting world? I’m thinking about this upcoming final year of youth football. The truth? It will not end in a championship. There are two other teams that have proven to be better than us and that is going to be a big problem for us. In terms of the kid who is playing? I think he has a chance to really emerge as a talent, but I don’t know where he really will be at. This needs to be the last year. He needs to take one off, get into some other things, train his body, and be ready for what is to come for high school. Until then, I want him to have every opportunity in the youth game. He’ll likely play through this next summer and cap it off with some sort of all star situation. Then, thats it. He can tell his kids how it was. I’d like to be able to do that for him.

As for the other two? New coaching situation at the high school means new opportunity to succeed for the Senior and the Sophomore to be. Personally, I think the sophomore needs to play freshman ball and JV this next year. I think he needs the confidence boost and the field time. Both of those will benefit him, and help his team grow. I still expect to get him into the kicking training as part of his B-day gift. He could be a multi-position athlete and perhaps earn a scholarship as a result. At the least he can be a walk-on like his pop.

That’s the waiver. That’s what is going on.

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