6.71. Celebrity in the New World

Bronny James has his own TV show. This future NBAr and son of top 5 all time talent Lebron James is part of a show on the IMDB network following his High School basketball team. Yeah, I said High School ball. I struggle to understand how this is even a thing. I’ve been around talented people and talented HS programs, but none seemed worthy of a show following them throughout a season. There just isn’t enough talent that they play to make things interesting. So what we are really talking about here is the connection being made between former NBA stars and their children at the HS level. Lamar Odom’s kid is on that team. Two of Scottie Pippen’s kids are on that team. There is a 7’3 asian kid on that team. Dwayne Wade’s kid may or may not still be on that team.

In short, there is a lot of talent gathered in one spot. Still, it is High School. More and more we are pushing further back into childhood to look for superstars. What’s next middle school? In many ways we are already there, because the market is there. People want to believe their kids are at that level or to at least see them get the attention and, by default, the parents get the attention. Everyone is trying to emulate the Ball family.

This is not the way.

It is making me think long and hard about how I help my kids manage their High School lives and what I teach them about celebrity and what they want to do with themselves moving forward.

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