6.72. Freewrite Friday

Word of the Day is Williwaw: A sudden violent wind

Kraber stood in the doorway across from hotel. He wore reflective lenses, hiding the cicuitry that lived in his eyes and moved through his veins. He’d forgotten what it was like to walk without glasses. He thought of himself as one of the visually impaired in that way, but those people usually wore contacts. The only ones that still wore glasses did so as a fashion statement., or to actually hide something.

He was hiding in plain sight. He was here waiting for the one they called Emily. This was not her true name. Her true name was Nitschja and she was a witch. She too hid in plain sight. She moved among the people pretending to be one and manipulating those in her closest circles to give her what she needed. She fed on their willingness to look the other way so long as they profited and in a country like America her soul grew fat. So he was called in. She would be his sixth. The others died quickly, none even seeing his face save the first when he was young and raw; before he understood how to use what the doctors gave him.

He saw her now, a petite brown haired woman; mousy and unnoticeable. This illusion suited her needs, but she did not understand that someone entirely unnoticable would be default be noticable to those looking for such a thing. He stepped out of the doorway, moving across the street with the speed of a man tryign to beat traffic. He slid his hand into his jacket, reaching for the weapon there–

and then he was flying.

–A sudden gust of wind ripped him from the street and flung him high into the air. His arms grasped at the empty sky as he pinwheeled. he saw the tight canyon of high rise buildings stream past his vision and then they were very far below him.

Then he was falling and she was watching. As he sped towards the ground his digital eyes registered a smile cross her lips.

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