6.74. Reflections on a Sunday Night

Moving into a fun week. Spring Break means I can rest my focus fully on the novel and move towards something resembling completion. I’m not close. I’m tens of thousands of words away, but I am starting to pick up steam and feel like this is going to happen sooner than later. I need this to be the way. I need, most of all, to get to a space where I feel like I am writing well and writing fast and writing all the time. I need to feel like I am being as productive as possible and living a life that reflects as much. This is the way.

I’m also stoked about Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Buddy cop stuff is fun for me and this is clearly that.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Man, this short blog flew by. Some days it is a waterfall and some days it is a trickle. I am not sure what it means or if I should strive to be more consistent or just allow myself to write as I feel. I can say one thing: I still enjoy it. I enjoy the craft. I enjoy the blog. I am not a process person, but I am trying to learn how to be. This is going to be the thing that replaces youth sports entirely… in time.
  2. In the meanwhile, I watched a few moments of my kid’s youth football team’s televised game today. Cool for the kids to have that. Still, as they say, “Sweaty”. The broadcast was courtesy of NYFCA, an organization that is trying to take over youth football and organize it to the level of High school sports. Well, why? For profit for one and to feel powerful for another. That is how these things work.
  3. Got the middle schooler signed up for track. Looks like that is happening after all.

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