6.79. Some Thoughts

It is late and my mind hasn’t really put together a whole lot of thoughts in the last few hours. I am starting to consider that my brain health issues may not be the early onset of a horrible disease but instead the poor health habits of a middle aged heathen. Now I am thinking about everything. And some of that thinking, that mental tinkering, comes to you..

Some Thoughts:

  1. March Madness brackets shattered! Still, there are only a limited number of teams, so why don’t people drop several hundred brackets on differing ends of the standard deviation or, better put, far enough away from the most average and obvious on both sides that it is more than interesting to see if any work out.
  2. The new Superman and Lois is meh. It is entirely predictable and rather rote. I want it to be more but it is the CW and, well, it is the CW! The big conceit is that the athletic brother is not the one that visibly has the powers. No, it is the other brother instead. Wow. So given that this is the CW it is important to note that both brothers will eventually get powers.
  3. I’m not entirely in search of a new show, because HBO MAX is dropping fire and Disney+ dropped Falcon and the Winter Soldier. So, I’m good for a few weeks.
  4. Part of that fire was the Snyder Cut of the Justice League film. 4 hrs long and two of them were solid.
  5. Life is good and fairly uncomplicated at the moment. Now it is really about the work.

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