6.81. Reflections on a Sunday Night

There is something terrible and sharp about teenage energy. The male energy is especially potent as though kids are built to believe they are right and just and that everything anyone else says has so much less value than what they are providing (freely I might add) to the world. This is the power of the teen years. I know I went through that phase myself and being the Dad in the situation makes me want to shake my damn head.

So, the idea of youth is pressing on my mind as is the thought of how to turn this into story. I want to be able to write about this kind of stuff and incorporate it into the growing story world.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Still miss youth football enough to have checked the scores and shared film of the game with my son. I’m legitimately hard up for competitive action. It is a part of me and I miss it. That is not the entire youth sports conversation, but it is a part I can find elsewhere.
  2. My college district was hacked and this forced us to push back the semester a week while we work to correct the problem. That makes us fairly low tier. Arent’ we supposed to have legit tech schools in our district?

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