6.82. Reflections on a Monday Afternoon

I’ve been having a lot of reflection blogs as of late and this is another in a long line. I found Fiverr today on the heels of a CNN article touting the success of a fiverr writer who pulled in 380K. This woman wrote 10K pieces in a span of a week earning 1000 for the piece. FYI, that is twice what I generally earn for 10K, and it takes me longer. She’s good. She’s fast. I’m jealous on a number of levels about what she’s done. I’m thinking about it, thinking about what I do and how fast I do it and I’ve gotten a lot slower over the years. I have a series of reasons why. They are reasons that need to be examined and turned over slowly in my mind. I need to be rebuilt in light of these reasons and I need to find a way to make that happen sooner than later.

In the meanwhile, I live and learn and write and develop new content and new strategies and I know that I’m flailing in other areas. I gotta get moving and gotta get better.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Not a lot of these either.
  2. I could talk about football… I could talk about the Giants and how I feel about their moves, but I suppose I will wait till Wednesday for that.

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