6.83. Tuesday

Been doing yard work this morning, a nice lead in to the writing. Well, so long as it is spaced with a few games. The goal here is to put myself in a state of mind where I am deeply embedded and invested in the story I am telling. It is not always so easy to enter the story world, and it is harder to enter the world entirely, especially in circumstances where I am dipping my toe in–where I am merely writing with other things unrelated to the world and to the story happening all around me. All that I do when writing must be in some way related to the writing and the world. The more I add in other elements, the further I get from real submersion.

I intend to give the next two hours to the words and the world and see what may come. I intend to spend more and more of my waking hours on the words. This week especially, where I have no other work activities to think of, I can be about the words. This is, of course, the goal of my life to spend my time fully engaged in writing and exploring the world with my partner.

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