6.96. Kong v. ‘Zilla

The is a no spoilers review of the latest Kaiju installment featuring the major monsters of the past. The Kong v. Zilla movie is not very good. However, it is an enjoyable ride full of the upcoming top memes of 2021. I believe we will find most every scene eventually memed. I look forward to this years version of Red Dress Girl done with Godzilla footage. Which, BTW has Matrix roots.

Yes, I know it is a meme to simulate similarity, but the scene unfolds in a similar fashion so… I am making the point that this new movie sort of feels like that. It sort of feels like the end of everything for that franchise the way that the last Mortal Kombat movie felt like the end of that one or the last Fast and Furious felt like the end of that one. To be honest, the movie would’ve been a lot better without humans taking feature roles. It wasn’t about us. There is so much mythology locked up in these stories that we lose our ability to tell it when we waste time on very bad human drama. Also very rote human drama. No good.

Still, See it. Go into it knowing it is bad, but enjoy it anyhow.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Fun youth football day. Got to enjoy seeing a lot of the kids I coached for years out playing for various teams and doing a good job. The 13u squad crushed it, and that was great to watch. My kid got involved on offense and showed what he can do. That’s always fun.
  2. Sliding into the new laptop. Love the tech, struggling with the sticker. DO I go back to the classic Batman or should I do as I always do and come up with a new approach. I know not what to do…

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