6.97. Sundays in the Woods

This ought to become a thing.

I’m in the woods on yet another weekday and enjoying a cool afternoon where I am with the family and having a wonderful time. We are happy to be out and about and exploring, but I am happiest to be experiencing that type of peace that comes with being out of the city. I want to be the guy who spends time deep in the city (like New York City) and spends time completely removed from it. I enjoy both environments and both add a lot to my emotion and my way of being.

I am working towards falling into my being. I am happiest when I am in that space of writing and spending time with my partner and playing games and having fun on so many different levels. This is how life ought to be and how it actually is. Sadly, life is mostly like this only when I am out of the confines of suburbia or whatever it is you call my natural environment. I don’t know how to make that environment feel like this tends to feel.

Regardless, there is a sense of reset in escape. When you go somewhere else you have a chance to leave the baggage of your daily routine behind and perhaps that is why I cannot make home feel like these days feel. Perhaps that is, in some ways, the point.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Tried unsalted potato chips for the first time. Not great, but they are not terrible. Just okay.
  2. Also trying a Traeger pellet grill for the first time. Should be interesting.

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