6.98. On a Monday

The words are finding me again. As I go through another draft of this novel I find myself finally ramping back up into writer mode and feeling good about the story and the characters and the conflicts and the world I am helping to shape in this fiction. I really do believe this is going to be a good novel. Will it be a #1 bestseller? Nah. It is still missing something to make it universal like that, but it will do good for what it is and it should be well received by the fan base. I hope.

Well, I am doing my part to make that happen, and as I ramp up and move into my stride I feel like I am going to be able to keep up this energy on into the next project (which I already have) and beyond into whatever comes after that.

Point of Fact: One of the keys to being a successful writer is knowing what you want to do next and in those spaces where the ‘now’ project is not foremost on your mind, the next things start to form up. So, as I proceed and continue to rock this life I intend to focus up on that specific goal of always working on what is next and never letting my writing life turn into that old car that sits in your driveway for months and then cannot start without a lot of help.

Some Thoughts:

  1. In the end the Big 12 did still rep in NCAA basketball. As I write they are putting the brakes on the Gonzaga story with a big time whuppin. Of course, I could be wrong. This can still somehow go the other way, but down 20 seems like it is over.
  2. A baseball stadium hit capacity for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic became front page news. Too soon, I think. I fear there will be repercussions.
  3. The interface for this wordpress is not as good as past ones. It feels glitchy.

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