2746. On the Media


I’m concerned that it is impossible to get a real sense of what is going on in the world via American media. I’m concerned because every news channel I watch is obsessed with glamorizing every story to the point of hysteria. How much news can actually be ‘breaking news’? When you consider the near-bizarre portrayals of basic stories you quickly realize that the news is trying to scare us into watching. ‘What is in the food you serve your kids?! Find out the shocking secrets at ten.’ Once the mainstream media starts to get confused with the ‘one weird trick’ clickbait you know we are in serious trouble.

We have a media problem. The problem, as I see it, is a news industry more concerned with catching the attention of an over stimulated and highly distracted audience than telling honest, non-exaggerated stories.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Media hysteria aside, Fox News is full on full of shit. This dodge show they’ve put on to spin Trump’s meetings with Comey. Now Comey is supposedly the liar and TrumpĀ never lies. I truuly hope people don’t believe this nonsense.